If you’d like to help out or offer a service, please drop us a line here:


Don’t see your calling or talent listed below? Fill out an app and offer your service anyway!

Right now, we have a need for people the serve in the following positions. All roles are now volunteer only. Any volunteers are expected to be Christian, evangelical, actively and faithfully living with Jesus. Participation in the furry fandom is preferred, but not necessary.

Web Admin

The web admin supervises the day-to-day activity of CFF’s website, making sure that it’s running smoothly with the least amount of downtime, while also making sure that the website itself is user-friendly to visitors, and allows other ministry heads to update without a lot of effort.

Social Media Team

Members of our Social Media team effectively use the internet in supporting the leaders and ministries of CFF to better present the Gospel to the furry fandom. This team is expected to know how to use social media platforms – Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc – to announce events, stir up excitement for what CFF is doing and to generally spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Social Media Team is also responsible for seeking out new internet-related ways that CFF can reach the fandom.

Bloggers and Devotional Writers

If the Lord has given you a gift for making His truth more easily understood, or if you just want to share your experiences in the fandom or walking with the Lord, then we are looking for your talents. Our bloggers have a good grasp of English and will be posting at twice once a week to the CFF blog, sharing insight, wisdom and truths from the Scriptures as well as relating personal experiences.


The under-shepherds are the people that guide and direct CFF’s short-term and long-term activities consistent with its goals, mission and worldview. An under-shepherd is expected to be organized and at least competent with finishing a task, able to manage the ministry resources and spiritually lead when necessary. Under-shepherds are expected to report to the Chief Shepherd at least once a week, though daily meetings are highly encouraged. They are also expected to have, at the very least, a pleasant, cordial working relationship with other under-shepherds. Other general leadership requirements can be found in 1 Timothy 3.

Fundraisers or Entrepreneurs

Following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, CFF does not want to be financially dependent on any one person or community that we serve. Therefore, we’re looking for people who have insight into how we can become self-sufficient and more efficient with the donations that we do receive.


The Furry Fandom is largely a visual fandom, so naturally we’d like to share in that. We are looking for an artist or team of artists who can work together for the Christian Furry Fellowship to have a consistent visual look. Specifically, we’re looking for help with the following:

    • logo design
    • banner design (for our Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets)
    • customized art for the various pages on the website
    • miscellaneous icons for multipurpose us
    • Most important now is for us to have a background image to replace the generic cornfield background for the site
Folks to pray

Without trusting in and relying on the Lord Jesus to meet our needs and supply us with workers, no ministry can ever succeed. That’s why most of all, we need people committed to spend time in prayer for the spiritual growth and maturity of the leaders of CFF, the spread of the Gospel in the fandom and for the daily spiritual and physical needs of the CFF ministry.