Our own community members Direlda and Oscuro Rey guide us through a series of light studies in Romans. If you’re unable to join the studies or had to miss, then please use these audio resources to study along!

Also, if you want to read along and need the text, clicking on the headings below (other than the introduction) will take you to the chapter text in ESV!

A Quick Disclaimer…

As you listen to our little Bible study, please note that these are open to who ever will join us and we welcome discussion. Therefore, it is important to note that from time to time you may here some opinion or comment from a participant that seems off the wall. Please bear in mind that the commentary of our Bible study participants does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of our organization. As always, search out anything you hear for yourself; it’s good for you!

Romans – an Introduction

This recording includes the introductory study examining the context of the Pauline letter to the church in Rome. Future sessions should cover the actual text in an expository fashion.

Romans 1

Chapter 1: A slave of Christ introduces himself in a letter to Rome!

Romans 2

Chapter 2: God’s Righteous Judgement!

Romans 3

Chapter 3: Everyone sins, but God is righteous!

Romans 4

Chapter 4: Abraham, a Confirmation of Justification!

Romans 5

Chapter 5: God’s Grace through Jesus: Greater than Sin from Adam!

Romans 6

Chapter 6: Slaves of sin or righteousness: one of these things pays better than the other!

Romans 7

Chapter 7: The Law, old and new; do we need it?

Romans 8

Chapter 8: Freedom from sin by living in the Spirit.

Romans 9 Part One

Chapter 9 Part One: God forgives justly and mercifully.

Romans 9 Part Two

Chapter 9 Part Two: The Sovereignty of God

Romans 10

Chapter 10: Actions and Responsibilities of a Christian

Romans 11 Part One

Chapter 11 Part One: Israel’s Rejection: Neither Total nor Final

Romans 11 Part Two

Chapter 11 Part Two: Hebrews and Gentiles

Romans 12

Chapter 12: Our Irrevocable Gift from God

Romans 13 Part One

Chapter 13 Part One: Christian Respect for Earthly Government

Romans 13 Part Two

Chapter 13 Part Two: Fulfilling the Law Through Love

More on the Way!

We’ll upload the audio from each Bible study each week in post so keep checking in!